Advertising Details

                                    Thank you for visiting nev.bizhat. Believe us you can earn handsomely by just signing up the programs mentioned on our site and that too for FREE. People are gaining a lot from these programs. Thousands are visiting our site daily and signing up the programs. We help them to earn excellent income through Internet.

                                    We are also helping them in developing their buisiness by placing their ads on our site. Our site offers the most cost effective advertising. Since our site offers free offers, many people visit our site. Your ads may be visible to all those who visit our site. This will surely increase your buisiness. Our advertising option is very friendly and reliable. You can customize your ads as you like.

Are you interested in advertising with our company?

Below are the different types of advertising services we provide. We offer many options and are confident, you will find one to fit your needs.

How it works

Advertising Packages

Banner Impressions Advertising
Your banner inserted into each page of the website. This is a great way to catch peoples interest, just as much publicity, if not more than, advertising in the member e-mails. The banners will be displayed on the main page of the site.

For more details on advertising and payment methods, you can mail us at: slasher_ [email protected]